Monday, September 20, 2010

End of Summer Blues!

It's the last day of summer =( I hope everyone enjoyed this great season, through heat waves, tornadoes and all!

How have you enjoyed your summer? I spent most of mine enjoying some new restaurants, NYC restaurant week, trips to the Dominican Republic and Washington DC. Watching my godson grow, Yankee Games, parties, weddings, BBQs, beach, sitting poolside, and lounging! It really was a great summer!

This last weekend of summer was great! Friday spent time with my aunt for our monthly wine and cheese night. Saturday hit up Harlem and Brooklyn with my love Don Pepe. I pretty much think Brooklyn is my new love! We had dinner with friends at Apartment 138 and then walked down the street for some drinks at Camp. They were both amazing!! I will do a double feature Spotlight Friday on these 2 Brooklyn spots. But for just a glimpse into my review, imagine breakfast for dinner and possibly the best mac and cheese you ever tasted, finishing it off with do it yourself S'mores and a game of Buck Hunter. It really doesn't get any better. On Sunday, it was a day full of relaxing! Spent some time with family and Don Pepe, then caught up with an old friend Nikki, over some rum & cokes and pool.

But now it's on to enjoying the many adventures and events that Fall and Winter brings. Time to put away the bikinis and bring out the Northface jackets and boots!

1 comment:

  1. I love you!!!! <3 Next summer how about we do much more together?!! But for now we can enjoy the cold ;-)Salsa dancing? Sonic? Lets do ittttt


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