Monday, September 20, 2010

My very first Blog Award =)


The lovely Serena at "I Left My Heart In London" has so kindly passed on to me the "One Lovely Blog Award". Thank you!!! Who know someone out there actually reads this thing. LOL Please check her out! She's very funny and her stories are sure to entertain.

And here it is, my award: =)

Now I'm supposed to list 7 random facts about myself, and then pick 9 other bloggers that I believe deserve this award as well.

Let's begin:

Fact: I really want a pet monkey

Fact: I'm left - handed but play sports as a righty

Fact: I tried to separate frozen hamburgers with a steak knife and ended up cutting every nerve in my thumb and had to get the main one put back together. I still don't have any feeling in one spot =/

Fact: If the universe let me, I would eat Taco Bell everyday

Fact: I always wanted to be a ballroom dancer...actually, I still do!

Fact: I might be a nympho

Fact: I laugh at pretty much everything. So if you hurt yourself in front of me, don't expect me to come to the rescue right away, I have to stop laughing at you first!

And a Bonus Fact: I am Puerto Rican, but I can't speak a lick of Spanish! HAHA

9 Bloggers Who Deserve the "Lovely Blog Award" are:

Nikki at Style _Me_Bad

Kristi at Belle - La - La

Catie at Catie Bennett

Ernest at ErnestEstime

Lindsey at LindseyLove

Please check out these fabulous people!!!


  1. girl thank you so much!!!! im behind on posting my blog awards but i will be asap!

  2. Thanks so much for the lovely award :)
    I've won this one before and did the post - so I'm free passing on that one!
    But it's so verrrrry appreciated :) :)

  3. Thank you for the award!

    And it's never too late to be a ballroom dancer!! Get started asap! You'll be happy you did.

    xo anastasia b


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