Thursday, March 3, 2011

"I was gone for a minute now Im back with the Jumpoff"

"Inside some of us is a thin person struggling to get out, but they can usually be sedated with a few pieces of chocolate cake." –Mrs. Anon.

Cupcakes & Caviar is back and hungrier than ever!! (Pun intended)

I've been on hiatus aka life had me by the throat and in result my poor blog was deprived. However, recent events, aka I joined a gym, have given me new inspiration to get back on my blogging.

Yes I wrote this. Yes it is hanging on my fridge. No, this is not a joke.
(special thanks to Ms. Be Bad for this inspiration)

If you have read past posts, you know I have been trying to stick to a diet for months. Obviously they failed :-(

The other day, I was looking at pictures that I was unfortunately tagged in on facebook (people are so mean) and I screamed. The next minute I joined Lucille Roberts. Summer is around the corner and I need to get my body "Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Ready!"

So yes you can catch me at the gym. No you will not see me at Taco Bell. Yes, I will live by these 6 commandments for the next couple of months. And No, I will not give up!

Im back. Im hungry. I'm dieting. I will be grumpy. I will complain. But, ultimately I WILL be happy with the results. 

So much to write about...stay tuned...


  1. Yay!! Welcome back!! I have missed you in the blogosphere!

    Love your commandements especially the one about french fries...ohh how I love french fries!

    BUT anyways remember all that crap will only make your belly fatter NOT flatter!

    muah xoxo

  2. Yes you were my inspiration for this! LOL Summer here I come!


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