Thursday, June 17, 2010

Drum Roll Please...


As a first time blogger, I must admit, I am a little nervous to be sharing the crazy world I like to call my mind, with you, but just as excited to give you a front row seat to what goes on in there when I am around food, wine, margaritas and anything that revolves around them...PURE EXCITEMENT! My goal is to portray this excitement and joy through my writing, so that you may feel the same way when you read my posts.

I have a lot of good ideas to make this blog a fresh and exciting read. I plan to spotlight "hidden gems" around NYC and across Long Island, where I will give my left arm if you don't agree it's a must visit! lol I will share my successful or tragic attempts at recipes I find. Give opinions and reviews on numerous events held throughout the Boroughs and Long Island that I will attend. (of course revolving around food and alcohol =) ) I will also be (try) changing my quote (you can find under my blog title) everyday with another funny, informative or random quote, of course, related to food or alcohol! Two of the greatest pleasures in life =)

Let the yumminess begin!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. i love this website. I'm always happy when i can hear about good food and not have a calorie count behind it. This is for all you real food lovers out there. And cupcakes of course!


I would love your feedback! Please share your thoughts or ideas =)