Thursday, August 19, 2010

Whopper What?!

“I love that whole princess mentality, but I also like throwing my hair in a ponytail and just wearing jeans, going on a hike and then eating a big chili-cheeseburger.” ~ Jennifer Love Hewitt

Ladies, don't be afraid to go all out with your food every now and then. Having a juicy succulent chili- cheeseburger every once in awhile is not going to hurt your waistline. Plus, men might not always admit it, but they love a woman who isn't afraid to eat! We work too hard, spend so much money and effort keeping ourselves looking good and continuing to be the "classy lady" society expects us to be, that sometimes its actually healthy and beneficial to our sanity to let our hair down, let loose, get messy and pig out!

Courtesy of Marie Claire

Speaking of pigging out and Cheeseburgers =)

Burger King now has a specialty restaurant called the Whopper Bar! With only 4 locations across the U.S. (Miami, NYC, Memphis and Orlando) they are serving up there signature whoppers, but this time, you can create them ANY way you like! Pick the sauce, pick the toppings, pick the cheese!

Oh Em Gee!!

Or, you can pick one of their creations including the NY Pizza Burger: Four Whopper patties, slices of pepperoni and mozzarella cheese with marinara and Tuscan sauce on a sesame seed bun.

The only question I have is, Why didn't they think of this sooner???

Check out their entire menu and find their locations HERE


  1. This is funny - Harvey's has the same concept as this.

    And Cuba is soooooo beautiful. I haven't been anywhere else, as this was my first Caribbean vacation, but the beaches are beautiful and white. It's a really cheap vacation for Canadians (because it isn't open to Americans) so because it's not in as high of demand the prices are less!

  2. Hey Jiselle, I left you an award on my blog! Check it out! :)


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