Friday, October 22, 2010

The Lemonade Diet Day 1

I can sum up this diet in one sentence:

It freaking sucks, don't be an A-hole like me and try it or you will be miserable!!!!!!!!

Yesterday was my first day on the diet and my last! Pure torture is an understatement. They claim you should not feel hungry after drinking the lemonade and they lied. I was hungry ALL day no matter how many glasses I had.


The drink tastes like crap! Maybe I put too much cayenne pepper, but I don think so. I followed the directions to the T and put in as much as they said and it was HORRIBLE! By the end of the day I was feeling sick to my stomach. I really only wanted to lose like 5 - 10lbs but this was not worth it! So of course, I cheated. I just had a power bar though because I still, crazy me, wanted to follow through with The Lemonade Diet.

Until this morning, it hit me like a ton of bricks and I got sooooo sick! I wont go into detail of what happened, but it wasn't nice. I ended up pouring out the remainder of what I had left to drink today!

So I lasted less then 24 hours on this diet and I'm not even ashamed! I listened to my body and it told me, "STOP DUMBASS!!!" And that's exactly what I did!

If you were thinking of doing this, don't! Don't be a retard like me!


  1. aww man. Feel better boo!!!

  2. LMAO! You a real rough time. Try to give it another shot some time later. It sounds like your recipe might have been a little off. Make sure you do it like this.

    12 oz. Maple Syrup Grade B (get at Traders Joe's)
    12 oz. Lemon Juice (Fresh Squeezed only)
    Cayenne Pepper to taste.

    Do not use regular store Cayenne. Get it from a store like Whole Foods or a health food store. It's much milder.

    Put all of that into a gallon of water. Of course you'll have to pour a little of the water in another container to fit.

    The first 3 days are always the hardest and you can't cheat otherwise it can make you sick. One of the best times to do it is when you feel like your system has been really trashed and need to do something to clean it. That makes it mentally easier.

    Hopefully some of this will help in case you ever want to try it again.

  3. The lemonade diet is one in every of the most effective ways that to lose weight. The most necessary factor to understand regarding the lemonade diet is that it gets results. Those who are able to stay with the diet will trim many pounds of fat while maintaining their happiness and health.
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